Sorry I haven't responded to questions and comments
sooner, but I've been a little busy flying and trying to get a hay barn built
before winter.
I don't have a OAT sensor on my plane but the ground
temp was 9C. I took it up to 13000, where it should have been ~ -17C. Oddly
enough I seem to have a constant 20C delta T on the coolant but the oil delta
T will vary between 5 and 20 degrees depending on power load. The temperature
controller works very well to keep the temp at 85C except during a full power
climb where it will gradually close on 100C even pumping full speed. I also
don't have fuel flow right now, but I hope to both and much more as soon as
the EM2 is available.
I have a switch which allows me to bypass the controller
and apply buss power directly to the pump. While doing circuits I was closely
watching the cooling temp/press/flow. During descent all three would decrease
and the pump would flow minimum coolant as it tried to maintain temp, however
what concerned me was that I'd touch down then apply full power for a climb
out, I'd see a sudden spike in the pressure, followed a few seconds later by a
temp increase and an immediate increase in flow rate. This indicates (to me)
possible localized boiling in the block for a few seconds until the flow
increases again, reducing the pressure. For this reason I've taken to
switching the pump to bypass the controller while practicing touch &
S. Todd Bartrim
Turbo 13B RV-9Endurance
"Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe in,
Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass".
At what power
setting and/or fuel flow were the data taken?
Another queston Todd, What was the OAT during
your taking this data?