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Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 13:36:50 -0600
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To: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] engine mount 4130 vs 304 SS
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Russell Duffy wrote:
> Greetings,
> As I ponder my choices for mounting the single rotor engine, I noticed 
> something that surprised me.  304 stainless is cheaper than 4130 steel.  
> One thing that's always bothered me about steel tube type construction 
> is the concern for rusting inside the tubes, so stainless is appealing.  
> There must be a catch here. 
> Is there a good reason I should use 4130 instead of 304?  Either will 
> likely be sized much larger than needed, since I don't have the means to 
> do any proper analysis of the strength. 
> Thanks,
> Rusty (Autoflight drive supposed to be shipping next week)
Well, after wading through all the replies, everyone seems to be 
ignoring the obvious answer: aluminum. :-)

Sounds heretical, but there are AL mounts that have been flying for 
decades on certified a/c. IIRC, some of the bed mounts for Franklins are AL.
