X-Virus-Scanned: clean according to Sophos on Logan.com Return-Path: <13brv3@bellsouth.net> Received: from imf20aec.mail.bellsouth.net ([] verified) by logan.com (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 5.0.5) with ESMTP id 901256 for flyrotary@lancaironline.net; Sun, 25 Dec 2005 18:24:45 -0500 Received-SPF: pass receiver=logan.com; client-ip=; envelope-from=13brv3@bellsouth.net Received: from ibm64aec.bellsouth.net ([]) by imf20aec.mail.bellsouth.net with ESMTP id <20051225232402.OCXA2032.imf20aec.mail.bellsouth.net@ibm64aec.bellsouth.net> for ; Sun, 25 Dec 2005 18:24:02 -0500 Received: from rd ([]) by ibm64aec.bellsouth.net with ESMTP id <20051225232401.BECY9722.ibm64aec.bellsouth.net@rd> for ; Sun, 25 Dec 2005 18:24:01 -0500 From: "Russell Duffy" <13brv3@bellsouth.net> To: "Flyrotary List" Subject: External datalogging, and other stuff Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 17:24:02 -0600 Message-ID: <000001c609aa$4ace9260$6101a8c0@rd> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0001_01C60978.00342260" X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.6626 Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2527 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C60978.00342260 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Holiday greetings to all, =20 The wiring, and EM-2 calibration is complete. So far, everything seems = to work, but I won't know what I miswired to the engine until I try to = crank it. I retrieved the trailer from the hanger this afternoon, and plan to haul the Kolb to the hanger tomorrow. First (attempted) run of the = single rotor should be next weekend. =20 =20 Since I've gone crazy ordering RV-8 stuff, the current plan is to do the ground testing of the single rotor as time allows at the hanger, but to concentrate on getting the RV-8 flying before I actually finish the = Kolb. Once the weather gets warm again, and I get sick of working on the RV-8, = I might change my mind, but for now, the RV-8 is the priority. My wild = and crazy goal is to have it flying by the end of the Summer. It's = ambitious, but possible. =20 =20 Now, for the important part. I seem to be drawn to manufacturers who = don't seem to think datalogging is a very high priority. Oh, we've heard all = the excuses, "I'm too busy working on my 3 rotor RV-8". Ha, I can't even = type THAT with a straight face :-) Anyway, I'm now buying a Dynon D180, = which is an EFIS, and EMS all in one box. Unfortunately, it would seem that = Dynon is another one of those companies who is "going to add datalogging in = the future". Once again, data everywhere, but none of it being logged. =20 =20 On the Dynon unit, they spew ALL their flight, and engine data onto the serial port at real time speed. To quote "waiter" (who's parents must = have lost a bet when he was being named ): =20 When connecting to the serial port to capture data, keep in mind that = the Dynon is spitting out an 80 byte serial stream approximately 64 times a second. Thats about 5k per second, 300k per minute, 18meg per hour. The amount of data and the speed its coming out, presents a challenge to any program that wishes to receive the data.=20 =20 He has written a program to capture this, if you have a fairly fast = laptop. Unfortunately, I don't have room, nor the desire to carry a laptop in = the RV-8, and certainly not in the Kolb. In looking for other options, I = found this little gizmo, that takes serial data, and stores it to a CF memory card. Best we can tell, this will work right out of the box for the = Dynon, though it's a bit pricy. =20 =20 http://www.microdaq.com/acumen/sdr-cf.php =20 While thinking of all this for the Dynon, I began to wonder if the same thing will work for the EM-2/EC-2. Tracy said that he doesn't currently push much data out on the serial link, but that he could certainly tweak = the software to send it out if we wished to capture it. His serial link is = not RS232 format, which the above recorder uses, but he said converting his serial data to RS232 was a simple, one chip project if we needed it in = that format. =20 =20 The real question for anyone here is whether there are other serial data recorders that would be suitable for this purpose. The one above is all = I can find, and though it's almost exactly what I'm looking for, it just doesn't seem like it should cost nearly as much as it does. Are there = any other options? =20 BTW, with the popularity of digital devices in planes now, I think = there's a very real market for a flight data recorder. Imagine capturing data = from the GPS, EFIS, EMS, in real time, and saving it for analysis. It would = be way cool, and is probably the perfect project for Ed :-) =20 Cheers, Rusty (no idea when this will arrive)=20 =20 =20 =20 ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C60978.00342260 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
Holiday = greetings to=20 all,
The wiring, and = EM-2=20 calibration is complete.  So far, everything seems to work, but I = won't=20 know what I miswired to the engine until I try to crank it.  I = retrieved=20 the trailer from the hanger this afternoon, and plan to haul the Kolb to = the=20 hanger tomorrow.  First (attempted) run of the single rotor should = be next=20 weekend. 
Since I've gone = crazy=20 ordering RV-8 stuff, the current plan is to do = the ground testing of=20 the single rotor as time allows at the hanger, but to concentrate on = getting the=20 RV-8 flying before I actually finish the Kolb.  Once the = weather gets=20 warm again, and I get sick of working on the RV-8, I might change my = mind, but=20 for now, the RV-8 is the priority.  My wild and crazy goal is to = have it=20 flying by the end of the Summer.  It's ambitious, but = possible. =20
Now, for the = important=20 part.  I seem to be drawn to manufacturers who don't seem to think=20 datalogging is a very high priority.  Oh, we've heard all the = excuses, "I'm=20 too busy working on my 3 rotor RV-8".  Ha, I can't even = type THAT=20 with a straight face  :-)   Anyway, I'm now buying a = Dynon D180,=20 which is an EFIS, and EMS all in one box.  Unfortunately, it would = seem=20 that Dynon is another one of those companies who is "going to=20 add datalogging in the future".  Once again, data = everywhere, but=20 none of it being logged. 
On the Dynon = unit, they=20 spew ALL their flight, and engine data onto the serial port at real time = speed.  To quote "waiter" (who's parents must have lost a bet when = he was=20 being named <g>):
When = connecting to the=20 serial port to capture data, keep in mind that the Dynon is spitting out = an 80=20 byte serial stream approximately 64 times a second. Thats about 5k per = second,=20 300k per minute, 18meg per hour. The amount of data and the speed its = coming=20 out, presents a challenge to any program that wishes to receive the = data.=20
He has written a program to capture this, if you have a = fairly=20 fast laptop.  Unfortunately, I don't have room, nor the desire to = carry a=20 laptop in the RV-8, and certainly not in the Kolb.  In looking for = other=20 options, I found this little gizmo, that takes serial data, and stores = it to a=20 CF memory card.  Best we=20 can tell, this will work right out of the box for the Dynon, though it's = a bit=20 pricy. 
http://www.microdaq.co= m/acumen/sdr-cf.php
While thinking = of all this=20 for the Dynon, I began to wonder if the same thing will work for = the=20 EM-2/EC-2.  Tracy said that he doesn't currently push much data out = on the=20 serial link, but that he could certainly tweak the software to send it = out if we=20 wished to capture it.  His serial link is not RS232 = format, which the=20 above recorder uses, but he said converting his serial data to = RS232 was a=20 simple, one chip project if we needed it in that=20 format.   
The real = question for=20 anyone here is whether there are other serial data recorders that would = be=20 suitable for this purpose.  The one above is all I can find, and = though=20 it's almost exactly what I'm looking for, it just doesn't seem like = it=20 should cost nearly as much as it does.  Are there any other=20 options?
BTW, with the = popularity of=20 digital devices in planes now, I think there's a very real market for a = flight=20 data recorder.  Imagine capturing data from the GPS, EFIS, EMS, in = real=20 time, and saving it for analysis.  It would be way cool, and = is=20 probably the perfect project for Ed :-)
Rusty (no idea = when this=20 will arrive) 
