think I'll go cry in a beer or three...
I understand, any excuse for beer
FWIW, I predict that Rich will have more hours on
it in the first month, than I have in two years. He's more than
qualified to have done this whole project himself, and he's already hot on
fixing some of the never ending issues. He even used the P
word (paint!) :-)
Here's a riddle- How do
you get one of Rusty's planes to Tracy's fly in? You wait until
he sells it, then the new owner will bring it :-)
I think Rich signed on the list this morning, and
he hopes to have the RV-3 at the roundup, weather permitting. I'll
likely be in Cleveland during that time, so it's not likely I'll make
I haven't really had time to miss it too much
yet. I think I'm too excited about what to build after the
Slingshot. Lot's of options...