[FlyRotary] Re: complete loss of
Without nitrous as I only use the nitrous fro water
takeoff and then only for about 5 seconds to climb up over the bow
wake and onto the step.
Ken, was with or
without the nitrous oxide you use for take off?
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken
To: Rotary motors in
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 11:07 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: complete loss of
Done it did it been there.
I was reaching in my engine cowling trying to attach
a vacuum line and apparently knocked the radiator cap loose with my
elbow, on takeoff I noticed the water temp shoot up and I made a 180
and pulled the power back and glided in for a landing.
The engine was completely toasted, much worst than
loosing oil, the side housings, rotor housings, and rotors were all
toast and this was with less than one minute at full
We've established what happens if the
engine runs out of oil. What about coolant? If
the system sprang a leak, and you continued to run at cruise power,
will it eventually seize, similar to the oil out? I can't say
I've heard of that happening, but most people probably quit before
they get to that point. I'm thinking it would seize though.
The reason I'm wondering has to do with
thoughts of a backup water pump. I'll almost certainly use only
the DC EWP on the single rotor, but I'm wondering if a second
one is needed. I could live with the loss of the engine due to
warping, if it didn't cause it to seize in short
Rusty (ports, and more