Mailing List Message #25433
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] There's a P-38 Lightning in my backyard!
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 07:24:52 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
Yup, that seems to be the case. Sometime in the '50s a P-38 Lightning that was owned by a local aerial mapping company crashed into the river cutbanks.  
That's amazing!  I was just joking of course :-)  
I bet Michael Callahan will have some comments on this, considering his line of work.   I'm not sure how the laws are in Canada, but in the US, the government recently tried to take a recovered plane from someone, though they eventually gave up.  It might even turn out that there's real financial value in your find.  It seems like folks are "restoring" planes with little more than an original data plate.  
Congrats on the neat find!
Rusty (now go fly your plane)
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