Mailing List Message #25428
From: Michael McGee <>
Subject: EC2 revision history question
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 16:09:08 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>, Tracy Crook <>
Tracy (probably at Osh) or anyone familiar with the revision history of the EC2.  I'm finally blowing the dust off and getting back to my project.
My EC2 is :
SN: #279
Date: 10-19-01  (really dusty)
Setup for LS-1 igniters

What revisions am I missing that I should have before setting this up on the engine test stand?  This won't be on a running plane for a while.  I'll be firing it up and doing lots of dyno runs before I swap it into the plane.

I don't currently have the EM but I'm thinking about it.


Mike McGee, RV-4 N996RV, O320-E2G, Hillsboro, OR
13B in gestation mode, RD-1C, EC-2
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