Mailing List Message #25426
From: kevin lane <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: fiberglass runners
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:46:41 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
"backer rod" is used for commercial buildings, stuck in the cracks before caulking is applied.  it comes in many sizes and is cheap.
Kevin Lane  Portland, OR

  You can buy flexible styrofoam tubes for kids toys
ropes several diameters. Wal Mart and most
swimming pool suppliers sell them. They have a hole in
the center for a rope or whatever. Put some copper
tubing in the center hole. force it into whatever
contours you need, the copper tube will keep the
shape. Slip the composite tube over the outside wet it
out. When it cures, dissolve the foam and the copper
can be pulled out. Most important, let me know if it
works. I need to do it too.

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