Mailing List Message #25424
From: David Leonard <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Sube vs. Lycoming vs. Rotary.
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:05:32 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
You certainly should be in the running, as long as you can get the temps to behave.  What version of housings will you be porting?
Rusty (garage full of REW housings about to be ported)

I have 91 4-port housings already ported sitting in my garage.  That is the re-build of the rusted-out engine I got from Atkins.   It is a "medium" port job.  I just need the time to put it together and swap out with my current engine.
I also want to get the exhaust and rotors ceramic coated first.
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