Mailing List Message #25422
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: Sube vs. Lycoming vs. Rotary.
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 15:46:57 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
Actually, this is more of a fuel burn comparison, 
Heck, I bet I can out burn both of them combined :-)
 although most people will be interested in speed as well.   
I need to test the top speed again, but I'd bet it tops out around 175 kts TAS at the moment.  
I think you should be able to out climb them in your RV-3.   
Here's what we need to do.  Tell them that we'll take the lowest time to fly 5 miles at 8000 ft, but we start from sea level, and stop after 5 miles at 8000 ft :-)   
Depending on when this happens, I may be back in the running, especially after I install my ported engine. (not to mention get my drive parts back from Tracy.  
You certainly should be in the running, as long as you can get the temps to behave.  What version of housings will you be porting?
Rusty (garage full of REW housings about to be ported)
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