Well, I just got home after 5 days camping with my experimental plane on row 121 at OSH.
I won't bore you with all the gory details, but I will say that it will be a while before Tom & Company get any more of my money beyond my membership dues. There was some talk among attendees of starting a new organization (Homebuilt Aviation Association?) & having a separate flyin. Speaking with some of the long-term volunteers at OSH, it seems that Paul P. is more than a little disgusted with the direction his son has taken the 'flyin'. Since it's now obvious that EAA & Airventure can survive just fine without experimental aviation, one thought was to approach the senior P. about adding some younger blood to his SAA & attending his Frasca field flyin next year instead of the 'AirVenture' Carnival. Those of you who believe that changes are in order, please make your feelings known.
flying RV-4; RV-7 in the workshop