Mailing List Message #17079
From: Leon <>
Subject: More on Header Tanks, Venting & Pressure Reg Position
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 07:53:43 +1100
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Hi Guys,

I got up early to write some more, and do some schematic diagrams of fuel
systems "for the troops".  (the local family of 7 yodelling magpies wake me
at dawn every morning - for those of you who are interested, see:  - but I digress
as I'm apt to do!!)

 I then had this wild thought that maybe I should see if somebody else had
already done it (better follow my own advice,  practice what I preach, and
NOT re-invent the wheel!!)

Lo and behold,  I typed in "efi fuel system" into Google,  and BINGO!  first
go.  AND by an RV6 owner to boot.  This guy has really got his act
together - just like reading my own demented ramblings (]:>).

"Shock, ... Horror, ... Batman,  there's somebody else out there who thinks
the same way as that madman Leon!!  Better go and warn "The Men from ACRE,
... quick!"

Talk about being "on the case", ... the guy who wrote this is a genius!!!  I
confess I couldn't do better myself.  ALL the info,  ALL the details, and
ALL the diagrams:



Gotta send an email to this guy and tell him how good his stuff is!!  Then
I'm going to have some cafe latte and vegemite on toast with my two lovely

Hoo Roo,


(ever seen a cat drink milk coffee?? - mine do - they are also VERY partial
to vegemite on toast crusts too!!).
(Vegemite is a peculiarly tasting salty brown spread made from yeast
extract - "puts a rose in every cheek"  See Was
an all Aussie product until the yanks (Kraft) bought it out long ago)

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